Eight Townhomes on NE 78th

After a two-year delay, the new owner of 37 NE 78th Avenue will continue the eight-unit townhome development first proposed in 2022. The new homes will span two buildings, flanking a shared center driveway. The six off-street units will stand three stories tall and have an attached single-car garage. The two street-facing units offer two floors of living space and will not include attached parking for residents.

In 2021, a previous developer purchased the 1890-era building, planning to construct several homes on the doublewide lot. After seeking Early Assistance for a rowhouse complex, the previous owner worked with an architect to develop building plans but then halted work on the project. In March 2024, Wasatch Credit Association took over the property and sold it to Mark Wilde of Wilde Properties, a frequent contributor to the Montavilla area housing market.

Portland Maps image of 37 NE 78th Avenue

Wilde explained that the lender contacted him about the townhouse project after the bank foreclosed on the property, offering him the land and plan sets for the project as a package. Mark Wilde does not often build townhomes, instead focusing on detached houses or apartment buildings. However, this project was ready to build and had other attributes Wilde felt would make a successful development. “I like projects that have off-street parking and garages. It’s getting harder to do that in the city of Portland. So I’m generally attracted to those kinds of projects,” said Wilde. He also intends to sell all units to buyers earning at or below the median family income (MFI) level for a four-person household. This buyer restriction is part of a Portland program offering builders incentives to create new homes in the middle of the housing market. Portland’s MFI annual income limit for incentives is $116,900 as of April 2024.

This development will use Middle Housing Land Division (MHLD) to create distinct properties for each home, avoiding the need for condo-style Home Owners Association fees. Wilde explained that MHLD simplifies the infill development process and creates a better housing product for buyers. “I think it’s a fantastic idea. It really makes the land use process more efficient. I think it’s going to help with housing affordability in Portland when we don’t have to spend as much time and money on simple land use.”

The six back units will offer around 1,400 square feet of living space with three bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms. The two street-facing units will provide residents under 1,000 square feet of space and two bedrooms. Demolition crews will remove the existing single-family home and open-sided carport ahead of construction. Although it is a century-old home, many modern updates to the structure have removed most of its historical significance and past owners let it fall into disrepair. Mark Wilde hopes to start construction before the end of the year. Look for activity on the site to pick up this fall, with eight new homes coming to NE 78th Avenue next year.

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